Citation: | PANG Lihua, ZHANG Jin, ZHANG Yang, et al., “Investigation and Comparison of 5G Channel Models: From QuaDRiGa, NYUSIM, and MG5G Perspectives,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-17, 2022, doi: 10.1049/cje.2021.00.103 |
This paper investigates and compares three channel models for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communications: the quasi deterministic radio channel generator (QuaDRiGa), the NYUSIM channel simulator model developed by New York University, and the more general 5G (MG5G) channel model. First, the characteristics of the modeling processes of the three models are introduced from the perspective of model framework. Then, the small-scale parameter modeling strategies of the three models are compared from space/time/frequency domains as well as polarization aspect. In particular, the drifting of small-scale parameters is introduced in detail. Finally, through the simulation results of angular power spectrum, Doppler power spectrum density, temporal autocorrelation function, power delay profile, frequency correlation function, channel capacity, and eigenvalue distribution, the three models are comprehensively investigated. According to the simulation results, we clearly analyze the impact of the modeling strategy on the three channel models and give certain evaluations and suggestion which lay a solid foundation for link and system-level simulations for 5G transmission algorithms.
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