Volume 31 Issue 2
Mar.  2022
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ZHANG Quanxin, MA Wencong, WANG Yajie, et al., “Backdoor Attacks on Image Classification Models in Deep Neural Networks,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 199-212, 2022, doi: 10.1049/cje.2021.00.126
Citation: ZHANG Quanxin, MA Wencong, WANG Yajie, et al., “Backdoor Attacks on Image Classification Models in Deep Neural Networks,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 199-212, 2022, doi: 10.1049/cje.2021.00.126

Backdoor Attacks on Image Classification Models in Deep Neural Networks

doi: 10.1049/cje.2021.00.126
Funds:  This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61876019)
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    was born in 1974. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer application technology from Beijing Institute of Technology, in 2003. He is currently an Associate Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology. His current research interests include deep learning and information security. (Email: zhangqx@bit.edu.cn)

    is a graduate in the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. Her main research interests are the backdoor attacks and defences. (Email: mawencong1066@foxmail.com)

    is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology. His main research interests are the robustness and vulnerability of artificial intelligence, cyberspace security. (Email: wangyajie19@bit.edu.cn)

    (corresponding author) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in software and theory of computer from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) in 2001, 2004, and 2015 respectively. He has been an Associate Professor at BIT. His research interests include mobile computing and information security. (Email: popular@bit.edu.cn)

  • Received Date: 2021-04-12
  • Accepted Date: 2021-08-10
  • Available Online: 2021-11-09
  • Publish Date: 2022-03-05
  • Deep neural network (DNN) is applied widely in many applications and achieves state-of-the-art performance. However, DNN lacks transparency and interpretability for users in structure. Attackers can use this feature to embed trojan horses in the DNN structure, such as inserting a backdoor into the DNN, so that DNN can learn both the normal main task and additional malicious tasks at the same time. Besides, DNN relies on data set for training. Attackers can tamper with training data to interfere with DNN training process, such as attaching a trigger on input data. Because of defects in DNN structure and data, the backdoor attack can be a serious threat to the security of DNN. The DNN attacked by backdoor performs well on benign inputs while it outputs an attacker-specified label on trigger attached inputs. Backdoor attack can be conducted in almost every stage of the machine learning pipeline. Although there are a few researches in the backdoor attack on image classification, a systematic review is still rare in this field. This paper is a comprehensive review of backdoor attacks. According to whether attackers have access to the training data, we divide various backdoor attacks into two types: poisoning-based attacks and non-poisoning-based attacks. We go through the details of each work in the timeline, discussing its contribution and deficiencies. We propose a detailed mathematical backdoor model to summary all kinds of backdoor attacks. In the end, we provide some insights about future studies.

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