New Techniques for Multi-mode SatelliteNavigation Receiver
Graphical Abstract
| Multi-mode satellite navigation receivers
have to endure heavier computation load because of huge
increment of visible satellites, in hybrid GPS, GLONASS,
Galileo and Compass navigation scenario. To solve these
problems, in the paper, two new technologies are presented
to decrease computation load: Fast satellite selection algo-
rithm (FSS) and Novel weighted least-squared positioning
algorithm (NWLS). Di®erent with conventional methods,
FSS is based on satellite elevation and azimuth. Firstly,
all visible satellites are classi¯ed by elevation, with three
sections: low, medium and high elevation. Then, parts of
satellites in medium elevation section are excluded through
sorting, di®erencing, and ratio of high elevation satellites
and low elevation satellites. As to NWLS positioning al-
gorithm, ionosphere delay and other error are analyzed
separately ¯rstly; then weighted observation matrix is cre-
ated according to two kinds error and satellite position.
The matrix is employed in receiver position calculation.
With satis¯ed positioning accuracy, FSS algorithm is able
to decrease computation load by about 20»30%. In conclu-
sion, FSS and NWLS algorithm are e±cient and e®ective
to decrease load of receiver; they are proper to integrated
satellite navigation application scenario.