Subband Implementation for Wideband RadarClutter Suppression and Target HRRPEnhancement
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, we address the method of
subband implementation for wideband radar clutter sup-
pression and target High resolution range pro¯le (HRRP)
enhancement. The Doppler dispersion is overcome by
separate weighting processing in the individual subbands.
The optimal weight vectors are obtained by minimizing
the Mean square error (MSE) between the reconstructed
target HRRP and the actual target HRRP. The MMSE
weight vectors require the actual target HRRP as a prior
knowledge and cannot be implemented in practice, as a
compromise the Minimum variance distortionless response
(MVDR) weights are used. Several simulation results are
given to illustrate the enhanced performance of target
HRRP obtained by the methods proposed in this paper.