Quantum Two-prover Bit Commitment
Graphical Abstract
This paper considers a new bit commit-
ment model named Quantum two-prover bit commitment
(QTPBC) and its physical realization. In a QTPBC scheme
two provers jointly commit a bit to the veri¯er. The two
provers can cooperate and communicate between them to
decide on a common optimal strategy before the interac-
tion with the veri¯er starts, further they are allowed to
share quantum entanglement. But once the interaction be-
gins, the two provers are physically separated and isolated,
and they cannot send both classical and quantum messages
to each other any longer. By virtue of rapid progress in
single photon detection technology, we construct a quan-
tum protocol for QTPBC based on linear code. Detailed
analysis shows that our scheme is of unconditional secu-
rity, i.e., the computing power of participants and poten-
tial eavesdroppers is assumed to be in¯nite. Moreover, the
scheme is proven to be able to tolerate errors due to noise
in practice.