Parity Check Network Coding for WirelessCooperative Communications
Graphical Abstract
We develop a cooperative decode-and-
forward strategy of distributed Source-Relay network cod-
ing for a three-node relay model, in which Relay and
Source both send their own messages to Destination.
First, we present a cooperative communication protocol to
achieve decode-and-forward capacity by leveraging trans-
mit rates between Source and Relay and designing dis-
tributed Source-Relay network coding accordingly. After-
wards, multi-dimension Low-density parity-check (LDPC)
code is constructed as a layered structure, where Source
LDPC, Relay LDPC, and network LDPC code are organi-
cally integrated to realize a distributed design. Our design
randomly embeds network-coded message into the layered
structure as e®ective extra checks o®ering side informa-
tion for both Source and Relay. Based on derivation of the
algebraic relationship between constituent codes, a good
multi-dimension LDPC code pro¯le is generated. Mean-
while, network coding complexity maintains linear to the
block length. The coding scheme is demonstrated to ap-
proach decode-and-forward capacity and still provides ef-
fective spatial diversity.