A Real-Time Image Registration AlgorithmBased on Feature-Index
Graphical Abstract
A Feature-Index based algorithm that uses
similarity information and spatial coherence is presented in
the paper. It especially ¯ts to the case that the base image
is very large and real-time property is needed. The algo-
rithm is divided into four steps: ¯rstly extract features
from base image, and establish feature-index table before-
hand; then extract corresponding features from sensed im-
age and use the feature-index table to match them with
those from base image; thirdly, fuse the matching results
of Main line pairs (MLPs) and contours; ¯nally, solve the
transformation parameters using the intersection points of
MLPs and centers of contours and complete registration.
The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm
is accurate and e®ective.