Quantum Bit Commitment Based on Qubit Oblivious Transfer
Graphical Abstract
Bit commitment (BC) is a powerful primitive of greattheoretical and practical significance. In order to resist coherentattack of BC scheme, we decrease Alice's participation responsibilityin the protocol to avoid any chance that she solely prepares particlesfor Bob. We introduce an extended version of 1-out-of-2 oblivioustransfer 1-out-of-2 qubit oblivious transfer (1-out-of-2 qu-OT), andshow that 1-out-of-2 qu-OT is sufficient to lead to quantum BC. In ournew BC scheme, Alice and Bob jointly prepare a four-particle systembefore the protocol under the surveillance of each other, whichexcludes any participant's misbehaviors during the preparation phaseand thus the presented BC scheme does not break Mayers-Lo-Chau no-gotheorem.