CNS/Pulsar Integrated Navigation UsingTwo-level Filter
Graphical Abstract
To improve the position accuracy, a CNS
(Celestial navigation system)/pulsar integrated navigation
system with clock drift is proposed. In the pulsar navi-
gation subsystem, the epoch-di®erence method is adopted
to eliminate clock drift, but it induces colored noise. The
two-level ¯lter, which is composed of an UKF (Unscented
Kalman ¯lter) and an H1 ¯lter in series connected, is
proposed for fusing the data from the celestial navigation
and pulsar navigation subsystems. The celestial naviga-
tion subsystem adopts the UKF because of its good perfor-
mance in nonlinear estimation, while the pulsar navigation
subsystem utilizes the H1 ¯lter due to its robustness to
colored noise. Compared with CNS and two CNS/pulsar
integrated navigation methods without two-level ¯lter, the
proposed method can provide higher navigation accuracy.
Simulation results show that the position estimation ac-
curacy of the proposed method can achieve 140m in the
presence of clock drift.