Dynamic Path Planning for Mobile Robot Basedon Improved Genetic Algorithm
Graphical Abstract
The paper proposes the dynamic path
planning method of mobile robot based on improved ge-
netic algorithm. Firstly, to ensure the safety of the robot
e®ectively, the improved visual graph and the conception
of safety coe±cient are presented. Secondly, to avoid the
local optimum, the paper replaces the mutation individual
with a better individual searched by hill-climbing method.
To increase the convergence speed, the paper updates the
colony by the rule of the particle swarm optimization.
Thirdly, °oat-point coding is proposed in the improved ge-
netic algorithm. The ¯tness function includes the length
and the total slope of the path in dynamic path planning.
Finally, it emulates the dynamic path planning for mobile
robot based on improved genetic algorithm. From the re-
sults, it can see that the path planning method is viable
and e±cient.