LIU Xueyang, ZHAOWen, HUANG Kaimu, et al., “A Secure Communication Mechanism of P2PRFID Code Resolution Network,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 621-626, 2010,
LIU Xueyang, ZHAOWen, HUANG Kaimu, et al., “A Secure Communication Mechanism of P2PRFID Code Resolution Network,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 621-626, 2010,
LIU Xueyang, ZHAOWen, HUANG Kaimu, et al., “A Secure Communication Mechanism of P2PRFID Code Resolution Network,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 621-626, 2010,
LIU Xueyang, ZHAOWen, HUANG Kaimu, et al., “A Secure Communication Mechanism of P2PRFID Code Resolution Network,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 621-626, 2010,
Due to the characteristics of P2P network,the correctness of P2P RFID code resolution service is notguaranteed. In this paper, a novel secure communicationmechanism for the P2P RFID code resolution network isproposed based on double random numbers. In this mechanism,the nodes involved in the resolution process generaterandom numbers, and the random numbers are used fornode authentication and message authentication. Based onKademlia, the proposed secure communication mechanismin the P2P RFID code resolution network is implemented.In experiments, the P2P RFID code resolution networkwith the proposed secure communication mechanism is notonly load balancing, extensible, and node failure tolerant,but also highly efficient in code resolution. At last, thefuture work is presented.