E±cient Architecture for 2-Dimensional DiscreteWavelet Transform with Novel Lifting Algorithm
Graphical Abstract
In commonly-used line-based implementa-
tion for Two-dimensional Discrete wavelet transform (2D
DWT), data bu®er is required between the row DWT
processor and the column DWT processor to reorder the
data °ow into consistent sequence, which increases the on-
chip memory size, output latency and control complex-
ity. Based on the proposed Decomposed lifting algorithm
(DLA), image data is processed in raster scan manner both
in row processor and column processor. Theoretical anal-
ysis indicates that the precision of DLA outperforms other
lifting-based algorithms in terms of round-o® noise and in-
ternal word-length. An e±cient line-based architecture is
designed to perform 2D DWT based on DLA with high per-
formance and low memory by eliminating the implementa-
tion of data bu®er. For an N £ N image, only 4N internal
memory is required for 9/7 ¯lter with output latency of
2N clock cycles. Compared with related 2D DWT archi-
tectures, the size of on-chip memory and output latency
are reduced signi¯cantly under the same arithmetic cost,
memory bandwidth and timing constraint. This design
was implemented in SMIC 0.18¹m CMOS logic fabrication
with 32K bits dual-port RAM and 20K equivalent 2-input
NAND gates in a 1.2mm£1.1mm die, which can perform
5-level Mallat decomposition at 36.17frames/s with image
resolution up to 1920 £ 1080 pixels in YUV422 full color format under 100MHz.