Influence from Cavity Decay on Entanglement Evolution of Three Superconducting Charge Qubits Coupled to a Cavity
Graphical Abstract
We investigate the entanglement dynamics of a quantum system consisting of three Superconducting charge qubits (SCQs) interacting with a single-mode cavity field. Considering the Rotating wave approximation (RWA) and the resonance condition, we give the effective Hamiltonian of the system involving cavity decay. The dynamical evolution is studied in terms of the entanglements in the different bipartite partitions of the system, as quantified by the square concurrence. With the choice of the appropriate initial states, a four-qubit W-entangled state can be obtained. We study the effect of cavity decay on various square concurrences in the system, the results show that the peak value of the square concurrence declines with the increase of cavity decay when the other parameters are fixed, but the cavity decay does not change the period of the square concurrence. We also find a natural entanglement transfer and entanglement invariant under evolution of the effective Hamiltonian.