Authors who wish to submit an appeal or request reconsideration of a final decision by an editor must submit the appeal in writing to the editor in charge. All requests should be submitted by the corresponding author(s) with a courtesy copy (required) to all authors. All authors listed on the manuscript must be in agreement with the request for appeal/reconsideration before it will be considered by the editors. The request should be addressed to the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief. The request should outline, in detail, why the authors are requesting the decision be reconsidered and include any additional information in support of their request.
Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript from consideration should send an email to the editor in charge and include the manuscript ID, the name of the corresponding author(s), and the name of the assigned Associate Editor. All authors listed on the manuscript must be in agreement on the request for withdrawal before it will be considered by the editors. While not required, authors are encouraged to include a reason for the withdrawal request. The email should be sent from the corresponding author and must include a courtesy copy to all co-authors on the email request.